Saturday, February 9, 2019

I Can't Keep Biting My Tongue Any Longer

After almost two years of a never-ending episode of "The Apprentice" playing out on the 24 hour news channels, I've had it. (How many times have we seen "You're fired!" played out since 2016?)  I must express my opinion, even if no one agrees or even reads it.

How did our country get so divided?  Well, if we look back at our national history through truthful eyes, we see that it always has been.  We started off by building an economy based on slavery and on genocide of the native tribes who were here before us.

In my lifetime, the last great attempt at compromise that I had direct contact with was RARE II, which attempted to bring the pro- and anti-wilderness groups together to try and forge a compromise.  It failed.  As has everything else since.  That was 40 years ago, in 1978.

Now we have all sides in every issue spouting vitriol at each other constantly.  Look that word up and you'll find it implies the idea of throwing acid on an open wound. (Definitely not a healing influence.) That's what our country has come to.

What we need is a great conciliator.  But what we got for choices were two candidates who did nothing but spout vitriol and trumpery.  (Yes, that's a real English word and has been around for hundreds of years.  Look it up in the dictionary.)  I couldn't force myself to vote for either of them, by the way.  And it doesn't look like the next choices will be any better.

The thing that troubles me most is how many of my Christian friends hail Trump as a great savior.  But he exhibits zero Christian values in his personal life, or in how he shouts at people constantly.  He is throwing as much acid as anyone, the very personification of vitriolic.  Oh, once in awhile he says something that sounds Christian, but he definitely is not "walking the walk" even if he occasionally "talks the talk."  (Only very occasionally).  My take on that is he needs to be the center of attention at all times, and he doesn't care if it's negative or positive attention.  It's his narcisistic need.   He's about as Christlike as Attila the Hun or Tywin Lannister and his daughter Cersei. (You can look them up in Game of Thrones.)

What we need in this world is not another Holy War.  In my opinion this "Christian Politicism" has been a BIG MISTAKE.  We've forgotten that Jesus said, "My Kingdom is not of this world." All attempts by humans to establish "The Kingdom of God" on earth have failed.  Just look at the true history.  Do you really think that if Jesus was walking this earth today, he'd be a Republican and speaking English?  I sincerely doubt it.  He'd be speaking up for the downtrodden, not the rich.  No wonder we are the target of a Jihad.  We actually started it back in the Crusades, a thousand years ago.  (I find it interesting that the returning Crusaders inadvertently brought the Bubonic Plague back to Europe with them, and a fourth of the population was wiped out.)

Yes, we need to pray for our country.  But at this point I don't know what to say in prayer.  So I'm just going to leave it in God's hands.  Maybe he's decided it's time to wipe the great American experiment off the map.

Okay.  I've finally said it.  Hate me if you like.  But the prophecies of Jesus called him the "Wonderful Counselor" and "Prince of Peace", "with healing in his wings."  (See the book of Isaiah in the Bible.)   He's the one we need. 

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