Monday, November 24, 2014

Giving Thanks

Ebooks are the best bargain, especially for independent authors like me. But if you don't have an e-reader, don't despair. My books are also available in paperback, either from or directly from me. By the way, sorry I haven't been on the blog much. Have been having trouble with an inflamed eye.
With Thanksgiving coming up on me really soon, I want to say I'm most thankful for family and friends who have been especially precious to me in the past year.  Sometimes, though, I get so caught up in the food preparation, and (I'll admit it) the Black Friday shopping, that I forget to truly give thanks to the Lord for all his many blessings.  Hope that each of you finds time to truly give thanks this season. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Summer Flies

So here we are in the deep freeze and according to the calendar there's still a month of autumn left.  But we all know (or should remind ourselves) that in these northern climes four four seasons are June, July, August and Winter!  So I have decided to post a poem I wrote about summer about 40 + years ago.

          It only happened once –
                             In a warm summer,
                   A new place where I’d always dreamed of being:
                             With sky and stars
                             Mountains and trees
                   And that glowing person
-      the embodiment of all my dreams.

                   And so, with wings of clouds
                             And sparkling sun on water,
                   I took flight toward heaven -
                             And the embodiment of all my dreams.

                   But all this faded and disappeared –
                                      As grey clouds of flatland closed in.
                             Never has it come again.

                   Perhaps that childish, dream-colored,
                                      dancing part of me
                             just continued its flight on
                                      above the mornings and the mountains—
                             For the rest of me wonders where it went.

                                                                             MFE, 1971


Friday, November 14, 2014

Countdown continues...

Only Zero this morning. That's moving the right direction...Like what my neurologist said when I went from 10 migraines a month down to "only" 8. Unfortunately the total has gone back up to 10, and he didn't seem to have much to say...
Okay on to the Countdown: 38 Days until the Winter Solstice. And here's a good quote from St. Augustine that I came across this morning:
"Beware of despairing about yourself. You are commanded to put your trust in God, and not in yourself."
I can't add anything more profound to that at this point in time.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Unofficial Countdown to the Winter Solstice

 I guess I need to start the countdown to the Winter Solstice...40 days today!--Nov.11 - 7 degrees this morning.
Nov. 12:
Temperature this morning was one Below! Yes 39 days...
In case you're wondering, it was just by chance that I started the countdown at 40 -- or was it? A Biblical number is 40-- Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, after his baptism in the Jordan.
 ISRAEL spent 40 years in the desert. after their escape from Egypt.
Lent has 40 days. Sounds like 40 is the number for times of testing and trial. I think that really fits this time of year in northern climes!
But hope is on the horizon, even if it is distant right now.

Friday, November 7, 2014

One More Chance!

Okay, this is your chance to get my newest Book, "Beyond the World" for FREE on Kindle--Nov. 7-9 only.

 And if you don't have a Kindle, no worries, it's also available in paperback on soon will also be out for Nook, IPad, etc.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Winter is Coming...

Fall/winter has officially arrived in Northwest Montana, snow on the mountains and the foothills--almost to the valley floor. No wonder one of my books is titled "When the World Grows Cold"--I wrote it during the long winter. The snow is beautiful, tho--just look at the fantastic picture my hubby took, which he allowed me to use on the cover. This book is only $3.99 for Kindle, and $12.99 in paperback--a steal at today's prices. And coming this weekend, Nov. 7-9 the NEXT book, "Beyond the World" will be on a FREE Kindle promotion--and it's paperback is also a steal. Paul also took the amazing pictures that were used on this book's cover , too!