Friday, January 1, 2016

The Ultimate Promise

Well, another year has come and gone.  2016 is dawning with a lot of fear and despair in the world.  The so-called leaders of the world and the potential leaders leave much to be desired.  It's enough to make you wonder how much longer the Lord will tarry.

2015 has been better for me healthwise, especially emotionally. But unfortunately it ended with the worst migraine of the year, and said headche is still with me here on New Year's Day.  Hard not to be discouraged.

I was thinking of telling more stories about smoked geese and swans, and milking cows, the maids having been replaced by milking machines.  But decided against it. Still, the true 12 days of Christmas aren't over, so I hesitate to take the tree down.  Besides I have a headache...

At our church's New Year's Eve service last night, the sermon reminded us that there is one promise that is guaranteed to come true.  It's from Romans 8 - If God is for us, no one can stand against us...and nothing in all the universe can separate us from the love of Christ.  A love so far above all others that it meant God sacrificing his own beloved Son for the sins and follies of this fallen world.

Some days, it's hard to feel that love, especially when we're in physical pain or mental anguish, but it's still there.  I think that the times we can 'feel' it the least are also the times when it is strongest, holding us up--even when we may not realize it.  New Year's is a good day to remember that.

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