Well, here it is 2013--sometimes I wondered if we would make it this far. Between all the talk about the Mayan calendar and the Fiscal Cliff, it makes one wonder.
Still, as I look out at the mountains around me here in northwest Montana's Flathead Valley, they seem to just stand there with some secret knowledge of their own.
I wrote most of my first two books in their shadows--way back in the early 80's. Then I didn't touch them for 19 years, while we lived on the shores of Lake Huron in Michigan.
Michigan had its own special qualities--and now memories--but no call of the mountains.
It took coming back here to resume working on "The Peaks at the Edge of the World."
I felt a sense of urgency to get it out before the end of 2012--and it is--on Kindle--and as a paperback on Create Space. Both are currently only available from Amazon.com--or thru me.
Now that 2013 is here, I wonder, what next? I have drafts of a sequel, and for some reason (probably having to do with the long winters here), it is called "When the World Grows Cold."
But there is more to it than that. I sense the world growing cold toward the Lord--and his people. Where is this world headed?
Well, only time will tell.! So here's to the New Year...
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